Ani Group / ani safe
G-55 agent is a 50/50 blend of nitrogen and argon. It combines effective action against fire with the flexibility required for any functional need and hazard configuration, protecting staff at all times.
How it works:
he atmosphere is composed of 21% oxygen (O2), 78% nitrogen (N2), 0.03% carbon dioxide (CO2), and other minority noble gases. Discharge of inert gas agent into the risk enclosure will reduce the oxygen concentration below the limits required for combustion (14%) and therefore fire cannot continue due to lack of oxygen.
The inert gas systems have unique properties that optimize its extinguishing action:
STRATIFICATION of gases at various levels provide com-prehensive protection throughout the enclosure and minimizing the effect of dead zones.
CO2 System Environmentally Friendly
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is one of the most effective fire extinguishing agents available on the market. In non-occupied environment, you will typically find CO2 fire extinguishing system installed for fire protection.
ANI Group Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Total Flooding System is developed and designed in accordance with NFPA 12 Standard by the innovative and creative R&D team of ANI Group, to provide automatic, simultaneous discharge for a variety of hazards and configurations.
How Does CO2 Fire Extinguishing System Put Out A Fire?
Fire is suppressed by reducing the oxygen level in the protected area to the point where combustion cannot be sustained.
Cooling is a secondary action of the agent which is used in local application where the liquid phase of the discharge is applied directly to the fire and hazard materials.
The IG-100 uses nitrogen as an extinguishing agent for total flooding of occupied and unoccupied rooms. This gas is the main component of the atmosphere (78%) and is usually found as N2, a very stable and unreactive molecule.
How it works:
he IG-100 agent has a slightly lower density than air, upon discharge it completely fills the enclosure and tends to remain in its middle and upper area.
It is suitable for places where there is a risk of fire in any part of the enclosure, especially towards the top, false ceilings or where possible agents leakage at the bottom. Likewise, it can achieve great heights and distances due to its high storage pressure.
HFC 125 / HFC 227
Ani Group HFC 125 / HFC 227 Engineered Total Flooding Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing System offers a wide range of cylinder capacity fire extinguishing systems in the market by choosing from four different valve types and cylinders ranging from 14 to 120 litres.
Our seamless cylinders are super-pressurized to 42 bar (600 psi). These 42 bar pressurised cylinder assemblies are the perfect choice for systems with long pipe runs or retrofitting existing Halon 1301 systems.
A system that contains a blend of 52% nitrogen, 40% argon and 8% carbon dioxide that combines their properties for a highly effective and multipurpose extinguishing.
How it works:
(Argon and Carbon Dioxide denser than air, sink to the middle and bottom of enclosure; Nitrogen lighter than air tends to float above)
High pressure of discharge pushes and displaces the ambi-ent air from all corners to the room, ensuring a three-dimen-sional total floating.
The slight presence of CO2 in IG-541 stimulates breathing and counteracts the effects of a lower concentration of oxygen to ensure safe evacuation.